In Rocky Medias Res (or Why You Do Not Let Ryan Drive)


Ray and the crew were situated at a random dimension, for they had to sleep. It has been a few hours since they have stopped, five at the max. Outside, there is a cloudy nighttime sky. Ray, Ryan, Brandon, Riley, Tori, and Misty were awake. Ryan had gotten restless, so he wanted to drive the van. He decided to act. “A’ight, I’m bored. I’m driving this,” he announced.

“No!” Ray yelled, but Ryan had already jumped into the driver’s seat, and since the engine was on, he started to drive it. Ryan cannot drive, so he starts driving like a maniac. This causes Ray to fly backward. “Fuck!” he shouts.

“Damnit, Ryan!” Brandon complains.

“Oh boy, here we go again,” Misty murmurs.

Because of how the van works, it starts jumping dimensions haphazardly. “Ryan, get out of the driver’s seat. We know from history you’re terrible at this,” Riley orders. Ryan just ignores him. Tori starts slowly making her way towards the driver’s seat, struggling to keep her footing while Ryan drives the van like it was a vehicle on a NASCAR track. “Stop driving, child!” Tori demanded.

“I’m not a child! I’m twenty-two!” Ryan fired back.

“You’re damn acting like one!” Tori snarled. The van experiences turbulence, affecting Tori’s footing, making her let go of a seat. Because of this, she ends up flying backward.

“Welcome to the back,” Ray remarked.

“Hi,” Tori replied, not knowing how else to respond.

This turbulence also sent Flotsam sailing right into the ceiling of the van, making him wake up, finding himself falling right back down on the cot. He started to freak out. “What the fuck just happened?! Are we being attacked by a phoenix again? Please don’t be this.” He then spots who is driving the van. “Oh, this bullshit again.”

Ryan takes a sharp turn, sending a sleeping Tristan careening into a window, thankfully not breaking through. “Ryan, you bitch!” Tristan growls. He did not even need to see who was driving to know that it was Ryan doing so.

“Where’s the chloroform?” Brandon asked.

“We’ve done that many times, it’s probably not going to work,” Riley responded.

With all the commotion going on, it wakes up Svetlana. She observes what is happening and works out what to do. “Alright, I see what’s happening here,” she commented. She gets herself up, pulls her way up to the driver’s seat, and puts her left hand on the armrest. “Ryan, you got to slow down,” she tells Ryan, in a quiet voice.

“Uh… Alright then,” Ryan reacts as he brings the van to a halt. Ray and Tori fall off the back doors and land on the cot.

“Fuckin’ hell,” Ray mutters.

“Every three days, I swear,” Tori reacts.

“Welp, there goes a bottle of whiskey,” Brandon states.

“Well, that was fun!” Ryan comments.

“No, it was not, you fucking prick!” Tristan snarls. Ryan just laughs.

“Ryan, you can’t keep doing this type of thing. You’re going to get someone hurt, let alone yourself,” Svetlana explains. “You are not fit to drive.”

“Then teach me,” Ryan answers.

“We’ve tried, and remember how that turned out?” This makes Ryan think back to an uncomfortable time.

“You still can’t blame me for that game show. There was no way of knowing that would happen,” Ryan pointed out.

“Yes, I know.”

“You were still the one who drove us into a lake,” Brandon chimed in.

“I’m sorry, okay? I don’t-. Why are we bringing it up?!” Ryan complains.

“A’ight, relax. Let’s not give thought to the past right now,” Ray interrupts.

“… Where are we, anyway?” Misty asks.


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